Showing posts with label Organization. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Organization. Show all posts

Friday, October 11, 2013

How to Write Content for Non Governmental Organization?

Writing  Content for Non Governmental Organization in the Developing Countries, off course, is an art.
Always writers focus on the Donors based priorities, however, Donors based priorities and ground realties are two important approaches towards issues of specific area ,following important topic title are written for guideline
Organization (Orbanization’s Name) is a registered non-profit philanthropy organization since 2005 under Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control) Ordinance, 1961. The organization has been working for The Marginalized Communities of Backward and Desert Area, the empowerment of women, children, and youth in their socio-economic development since its inception by focusing in the following areas: Literacy, Education and Training; Human Rights and justice; Gender and Development; Participatory Development; Development Projects.

Vision and Mission

Organization (Orbanization’s Name)  is committed to bring positive changes in the society by promoting equality, peace, harmony and democratization. It works for world of hope, real harmonized economically strong society that can fulfill all fundamental rights of human beings in this part of the country.


The structure of the Organization (Orbanization’s Name)  comprised of two main bodies i) executive body and ii) general body. The Executive body of the Organization (Orbanization’s Name)  comprised of 07 office bearers and 08 executive members and general body comprised of 40 members both male and female. A President heads the organization and the Secretariat head is the Secretary General. The Secretary General is also an Executive Director of Organization (Orbanization’s Name)  . He is assisted by sector specialists and an accounts officer.


The Organization (Orbanization’s Name)   has been involved and initiated a number of projects in the areas that have impact on socio-political change and economical indicators with rest of Human Development Index (HDI) such as healthcare facilities, political mobilization, socio-economic empowerment, environmental management, and formation of gross root level organizations in the communities. The diversity of experience is her biggest asset especially working in the third sector. The Organization (Orbanization’s Name)   serves in counseling, social harmony, political empowerment, governance, education, health, capacity building and advocacy.