Part two
पਪ |
सਸ |
ठਠ |
टਟ |
थਥ |
Part Three
चਚ |
ञਜਂ |
झਝ |
ज॒ੱਜ |
जਜ |
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
सਸ |
शਸ਼ |
सਸ |
ज़ਜ਼ |
ड़ੜ |
Hillary Clinton Free Tutorials online Developed by Ali Hassan Mallah & Engineer Seema Bhutto
Oh! WOW. It is first time ever In have seen such kind of tutorial that three languages are being taught at the same time on one page. It is going to be very much beneficial for new learners and old ones too. I have surfed on the net about scrips and languages but this is one unique and dynamic kind of way for teaching language specially multiple language at one time. I truly appreciate your efforts and also I appeal people from all over the world should support this idea.
Mansoor Mirani
Thanks Dear Mansoor for supports efforte