Friday, October 11, 2013

How to Politics to Polish Education

How to Politics to Polish Education?

By Mansoor Mirani
Before I elaborate relation between politics and education, I would like to define these terms. Apparently, Politics and Education are two different things and two discrete principles. The education is the process of evolution of human thought and knowledge and skills which is gained in both educational institutions and society which is adopted from the environment and the politics in general terms is the process for implementing, imposing policies and plans in the society with respect to needs of society. Education and Politics are like arms of body for a society, they look different but they are never separate things.

 For simpler you make take education as theory and practical and politics as the process for its implementation. Politics is not merely a system of parties, groups or lobbies but it is a plate form for the people of a society to govern, administrate and manage the society, to them education is a vision and a critical cognitive approach towards the development and the problems of the society

 Bertrand Russell said “Education should not aim at dead awareness of static facts but at any activity directed towards world that our efforts are to create.” He further said “almost all education has political motives.”

It is the greatest dilemma for our society that we have torn apart politics and education, in a result of that in current era we do not have policy makers, worthy administrators and intellectuals to run the country. We have shameful example of those MNA’s and MPA’s who were pronounced disqualified and ineligible candidates who held fake degree before their names.

May I ask why we are economically weak? Why there is constant decline in value of our currency? Why our social and political institutions are not performing well? The again reason is that we have considered education and politics two different things. Economy, education and politics are inter-related with each other. Bad education produces bad politics and bad politics weakens the economy of the nation.

If you think that your aloofness from politics will protect you and keep you safe from being humiliated, you think wrong. Instead your attitude of carelessness will be the reason of your despair, disappointment when in future ineligible people be will be governing you. It will be more humiliating for you.

 In this modern world where, education is considered as political institution where prominent policymakers have emerged from educational institutions like Kishore Mahboobani, a writer, a teacher, a diplomat, who remained a permanent ambassador of Singapore at UNO for twenty years continuously and has made lasting effect on economy of the world. He is regarded as one of fifty people who can change the economy of the world because the policies he makes are much enduring and effective operators.

Today china is politically stable and economically strong, and soon it will be crowned as World’s largest economy. Isn’t it because of their political and educational development? Thus I conclude that politics is to polish education and it is necessary to keep both Education and Politics go together to produce diplomats, policymakers and administrators for the nation.

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